Using custom java code in the Saviynt Email Templates

Sometimes in complex requirements, we may not able to use groovy scripts to meet the requirements in that situation we can use custom java code in the Saviynt email templates

Another use case is that the subject field in Saivynt supports only 255 characters, if you have complex if-else logic which makes more than 255 characters then you can use custom java code to generate the subject line, however, make sure the custom java code returns less than 255 characters as the subject line to avoid unnecessary references issue(in audit tables?).

Requirement: Generate a subject line based on the below conditions

If the user's employee type is Internal then 

New Personal AD Account is created for you, Account Name: [ Account display name ]


New Personal AD Account is created for a user starting on [User start date in dd-MM-YYYY format], Account Name: [ Account display name ]

Step 1: Create a java package and create a JAR 

The source code is available in the below link

once you configure the below code into Eclipse follow the below steps to create the jar

a. Right-click on the class and select Export

b. Select the Jar option and select the class "EmailNotifications" and all classes from Package "com.ghrartifacts.utilities" and export as jar

Step 2: Update file

Add these properties to file by Navigating Admin => Settings => Configuration Files



Step 3: Upload the Jar to Saviynt Instance and Restart

This may vary in a different version of Saviynt, these steps are for v2021

Navigate to Admin => Settings => File Directory => externalJar and upload your Jar file and restart the Instance by 

Navigating to Admin => Admin Functions Application Restart

Step 4: Using custom Java code in the email templates

Below code can be used in Subject line or Body of the Saviynt email templates



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